Introducing My Side Technology.™ It’s Sleep. Personalized.™
Invest a few minutes for a lifetime of better sleep. To get the best sleep, different body types
require different sleep surfaces. My Side Technology™ combines state-of-the-art materials with the
latest scientific findings to deliver proper postural support and pressure relief. So each of you can stay
in one position longer for a deeper night's sleep.
Science is proving that deep, restorative sleep can help you awaken to your full potential. Concentration
improves. Memory gets better. And at a cellular level, your body repairs damage caused by stress throughout the day.
Your whole body recharges and rejuvenates.
Chronic lack of sleep and bad sleeping habits may increase your risk of
obesity, diabetes, infections, cardiovascular
disease, aches, and pains. Plus, the possibility of fatigue-related
injuries and accidents can put you and your loved ones at risk.
Sleep to Live® is the leader in the science of sleep, with more than 100
years’ experience. Our research shows that
night after night of deep, restorative sleep isn’t a wish; it’s a
necessity. You can sleep better. And live better. With Sleep to Live®.